The inspiration for C5 Leadership came from the notion that we need to re-imagining leadership. The need for change has never been more urgent; at the same time we also need to hold what  Richard Feynman has called the "satisfactory philosophy of not knowing." And yet, this notion of embracing doubt as something to be welcomed rather than feared, seems to pose a significant challenge to leadership. Perhaps this is because it is counter intuitive to leaders who are part of a system that values certainty. But nevertheless that is where we are; a place of not knowing. A place where we we must re-imagine our future and  our response to the challenges that we face, rather than relying on the thinking and ways of being that created the challenges in the first place.   

Yuval Noah Harare has said “we are left with the task of creating an updated story for the world.” The need for us to re-imagine is therefore critical; the choices that we make now will be our contribution to this updated story for the planet and all its inhabitants.

Where aesthetic meets functional

LensesThe 5 C's

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Maybe you are searching among the branches,
For what only appears in the roots



Two roads diverged in the woods
And I, I took the one less travelled by
And that has made all the difference
Robert Frost, The Road Less Travelled



"Connection gives purpose and meaning to our lives"
Brene Brown



"There are no non-radical solutions left"
Naomi Klein



Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.
~ Dalai Lama

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